The glacier restaurant is open daily from 10 am to 4.30 pm! The hotel reopens on 20 September. More


Well-equipped, safe, and chirpy
Are you visiting our hotel in the mountains in South Tyrol for a snowshoeing holiday? Excellent choice! The Val Senales valley offers great routes amidst a stunning nature landscape, even for beginners. While you’ll need an experienced guide to explore the glacier, you can venture out into the white winter wonderland down in the valley, around the town of Maso Corto, even on your own. But what equipment do you need? And how can you make sure that your first steps in snowshoes will be both safe and enjoyable? We’ll tell you today!

The beginning is always today – even on the snow
If you’ve already been snowshoeing, whether at home or on a holiday, you’ll know that every successful excursion begins with good equipment. For a winter hike, you only really need waterproof and sturdy hiking boots. You can rent your snowshoes in Maso Corto, near the valley station. Your basic equipment also includes hiking sticks, ski trousers or gaiters, as well as a backpack with rain protection. Make sure that you dress well, with technical underwear, a hat, scarf, and gloves. It’s best to wear multiple layers, as snowshoeing in Italy in Val Senales might make you sweat a little.

The more you venture out onto open terrain, the more important it is that you bring avalanche safety gear and a first aid kit with you as well. You should only ever hike the snowshoeing trails on the glacier with an alpine guide. In order for you to be safe, not endanger any other hikers, and last but not least, enjoy your trip, we’ve compiled some more beginners’ tips.

How to snowshoe: tips from your glacier team
#1 Even if the snowshoeing holiday at our hotel is your first one: a basic level of fitness is sufficient. If you’re athletic, you’ll certainly have an advantage, but you don’t have to be Ötzi, the snowman, to hike the snowshoeing trails in Val Senales. Still, on the glacier you’ll need an experienced mountain guide that knows the dangers of the glacier and will make you reach your destination safely.

#2 The right technique can sometimes work wonders. While you can walk normally on the even sections, the steep parts are usually a bit more challenging. We recommend an open “V” step; alternatively, you can also walk sideways. Walking with snowshoes can take some getting used to, but no previous knowledge, and once you know how snowshoe, there’s nothing stopping you from enjoying your snow excursion to the fullest.

#3 Make sure that you wear the right snowshoe size. It doesn’t correspond to your regular shoe size, but it’s calculated according to your body weight: size 22 is ideal for a weight up to 70 kg, size 30 for a weight of 100 kg and above. The binding is always individually adjustable.

#4 Snowshoeing in Italy can also be quite relaxing, depending on the trail. Still, you should always check the avalanche bulletin and weather forecast, as well as read up on the route you intend on taking, before you head out. If possible, you should only walk on signed tracks, and be especially careful in the open terrain.

As long as you follow these guidelines, and dress well, there is nothing stopping you on your snowshoeing holiday. If you want to know more about the snowshoeing trails in Val Senales specifically, then click here.



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